On Tuesday 13th November Zachery Terras was invited to join the #iwill Ambassadors. Zachery attended a celebration event at Kew Gardens, along with another 49 young people, chosen as #iwill Ambassadors and National organisations, all celebrating social action.
Zachery has volunteered in various local organisations, supporting social action and fundraising for most of his life, and he is only 13 years of age. He planted bulbs at Stanley Park in an area specially designed for people with additional needs, when he was just 2 years of age!. Zachery is an active member of the 23rd St Mary’s Scout Group and plays an active role in fundraising at his school St Bedes. Zachery has raised funds for Homestart, Blackpool, Wyre and Fylde for the last few years and is now an active volunteer fundraiser with the organisation. In 2019, Zachery is planning a 24 hour ‘Ping Pong’ Event with his friends to raise money for Homestart and to raise awareness of the services they provide. Zachery is also part of the Youth Forum for The Washington Group CIC, helping to co design its new services and impact.
Pat Naylor, Manger Homestart, Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre ” Zachery is one of our youngest volunteer and we couldn’t be more proud of him. Congratulations Zachery”
Zachery is the boy Captain for NWBiathle and his pledge for #iwill is to encourage more families to do sport together.
What is an #iwill Ambassador
#iwill is represented by 250 inspirational young ambassadors, 50 from each year of the campaign so far. They are 10-20 year-olds who are leading fantastic social action in their communities. They come from a variety of backgrounds across the UK, but all have one thing in common – a passion that drives them to find time to help others. From mentoring their peers online, to coordinating a charity fundraiser or enhancing their local area, every one of these #iwill ambassadors is making a difference.
They are selected because they demonstrate a strong commitment to social action, and have inspirational stories to tell – stories which bring alive the double benefit of youth social action. Not only are these young people giving a great deal, but they are also building their character and skills in the process.
They have also promised to share their social action story with others, to encourage more young people to get involved, and the #iwill pledge that each has made is a commitment to continue making a difference to others. Do take a look through their stories and case studies and get to know them. It’s clear that for these #iwill ambassadors, social action has become a habit that will stay with them for life.
What is #iwill?
#iwill is a UK-wide campaign that aims to make social action part of life for as many 10 to 20 year-olds as possible by the year 2020. Step Up To Serve is the charity that coordinates the collective effort of the #iwill campaign by connecting campaign partners, communicating the stories and impact of quality social action and challenging partners to do more. The Patron of Step Up To Serve and the #iwill campaign is HRH The Prince of Wales and it is governed by an independent board as well as having cross-party support. Ultimately, we want young people to have the chance to take part in meaningful social action – building a habit for life and further empowering them to be more active citizens today and in the future.